Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Make Windows 7 Look Like Windows XP

How to Make Windows 7 Look Like Windows XP:
Microsoft finally came up with a good competitor against Windows XP’s features and capabilities. Windows 7 is free from Vista’s common issues and has some added features that surpassed Windows XP when it comes to stability. Its interface looks like Windows Vista, with the speed and reliability of Windows XP. If you are fond of Windows XP, this can be a great replacement for your favorite operating system.
Though its interface is similar to Windows Vista, it’s not quite bad. However, most people still prefer Windows XP’s look. So, if you’re one of them, here’s good news for you: you can now enjoy the benefits of Windows 7 with Windows XP’s good classic look.
1. Change your desktop to Windows XP classic theme.
To do this, right-click on the desktop, then click Personalize. From Personalize window scroll down under Basic and High Contrast Themes, and then choose Windows Classic.
2. If you have Windows Sidebar, you may wish to disable them from startup.
Go to Start, type msconfig. System configuration window will appear. Click the Startup tab then uncheck Microsoft Windows Sidebar.exe. Of course it will take effect upon restarting Windows.
3. Having Windows XP’s look without the Quick Launch icons.
To enable it,  right-click on the taskbar, choose Toolbars, then click New toolbar… On the dialog box under the folder line, copy and paste this location:
%userprofile%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launch
Then click Select Folder button. Now, you will see the Quick Launch toolbar on the right-hand side of the task bar. To move it beside the Start menu, drag the line and drop it at the right side of Start button. Right-click on Quick Launch then uncheck Show Text, and Show title.
4. Now that you have your Quick Launch icon, Windows taskbar will not be complete with those pinned icons on your task bar.
Right-click on each icons and click “unpin”. Now, you can change open program icons to show their name just like on Windows XP. To do this, right click on task bar, click Properties. Under Taskbar buttons, click Never combine.
5. There you go! Your task bar is pretty much like your Windows XP. But a desktop is not a desktop without your favorite wallpaper. So choose your wallpaper as a finishing touch.
6. And for our finish product, here’s the Windows 7’s Classic look.

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